Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church September 14, 2019 at 04:30AM

from Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
via IFTTT Are you prepared to die for your faith? Are you looking forward to the honor? Before you answer, take a close look at your own recent past. Have you shied away from declaring sin as sin? Have you accepted "what's normal" so that you would appear "weird"? Have you followed what is socially acceptable to avoid being singled out? Have you not wanted to "rock the boat" in your own family? So often we think we are ready to "die" for our faith but we are too scared to live it! Paul was not afraid, not timid, he looked forward to it. He counted persecution of all sorts as a great honor! To be counted worthy to experience the persecution of the saints?!?! Wow! What an honor! How popular would an alter call be if it was clearly explained that the promise is a life of persecution? Sure, eternal life later, but Jesus said to "count the cost". Jesus promised we would face persecution and death if we lived the gospel. Not riches and happiness, no. Persecution and death. That is the promise, the honor of the truly repentant and saved Christian. The problem you see, the problem in America is that Christian Life is so easy, it takes no commitment, brings no cost. And for that reason, Christianity without cost is fake. It's not real. Jesus made a promise. Persecution in this life. If you are not experiencing persecution either Jesus lied or your not living the Gospel! Paul counted persecution as an honor, a blessing. Do you? Or do you avoid it? What if the level of persecution we experience in this life is in fact a measurement of how well we follow Christ? If we are promised persecution by Jesus Himself, why would we expect any other outcome? Therefore, it is a valid argument.... Lack of persecution may mean lack of Christ in our life. Now, be careful when evaluating this. Persecution for sin is not the same as persecution for righteousness. Jesus promised persecution for living His life and shining His light to the world. If we are persecuted because we compromised the gospel or outright sinned, that is different. Take heart, expect criticism. Expect to loose friends, to have rumours based on lies spread, expect to be misquoted, expect to be ostricized for your faith, expect to be criticized for speaking truth, expect to be an outcast because those who love sin are uncomfortable around someone who exposes sin as sin. Expect to be persecuted! The promise is that WHILE you are persecuted, while in prison, while beaten, while being mistreated, you will experience the greatest peace and comfort beyond understanding. Not because you were "rescued" from the evildoers, but because the Holy Spirit lives in you and brings peace inside a storm. The storm isn't quieted, but tranquil comfort abounds in your heart. The quiet strength that says "I know God can calm the storm, but even if He doesn't, I choose righteousness and truth". Paul headed towards persecution, not as a sacrifice but as an honor. Are you ready?

Monday, September 9, 2019

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church September 09, 2019 at 04:10AM

from Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
via IFTTT God is not mocked. Ever. Man may think from time to time that he has "gotten away with something" or "slipped by". NO. Never God is not mocked, ever, but He is incredibly patient. He is the good father that does not take pleasure in punishment. It hurts His heart to discipline us. He does not in any way enjoy doling out justice to us, His children. But He does, when He must. When we exhaust His Mercy, when we push His patience to the limit with our wicked behaviour, He has no choice. I understand this. I have 12 children. Never in my life have I enjoyed doling out discipline. It is a job, a duty. I do it, but only when absolutely necessary. There is no pleasure in giving discipline or justice. Pleasure of a father is found in giving mercy. But, sometimes the child requires discipline. God's heart is deep. He loves us. All of us. You. But His love is so deep that He will indeed discipline who He must. First He tries mercy, invitation, softness. But He will not be mocked. He will not tolerate a child who rebels over and over. He will not tolerate one who takes advantage of His gracious mercy. Sin is sin, and leads to death. If the Bible lists something as sin, it is sin. Period. God will not change, will not be mocked. Sin is death. Know that God is a gracious Father full of Mercy. Know that God will not be mocked

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church September 04, 2019 at 04:59PM

from Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
via IFTTT Rosebud Food Ministry. Thank you for your support!